

At Little Thetford Primary School we follow a knowledge rich curriculum. The knowledge has been carefully chosen and sequenced in a coherent way that ensures that ensures our children build on their knowledge year on year. In this way the knowledge is cumulative, constructing firm foundations from which children can progress and develop deeper understanding and subject specific skills.


Little Thetford C of E Primary School's curriculum is divided into discrete subjects, recognising the identity of each of the disciplines of the subjects being studied. Children will be taught meaningful content that builds on their prior knowledge enabling them to learn more and remember more.. The knowledge base encourages children to infer, question, interpret, analyse, argue and reason. Curriculum coherence ensures teaching does not jump from topic to topic but enables children to develop knowledge over time and a love of subjects.

Our curriculum has been developed to develop children who:

  • Are fluent thinkers who can recall key facts and knowledge learnt
  • Are engaged, curious learners
  • Are independent reflective thinkers
  • Can collaborate effectively with their peers forming productive relationships

On leaving our school we want to ensure our children are fully prepared for their next stage of education both academically and emotionally. This is the philosophy of how we want to learn and underpins all of the learning that takes place in our school.

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